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Configure NFS Client(Windows Server OS)
Configure NFS Client on Windows Server OS.
This example is on Windows Server 2012 R2.
[1] Open [Server Manager] and click [Add Roles and Fetures].
[2] Click [Next] to proceed.
[3] Check a box [Roles-based or Feture-based installation] and Click [Next] to proceed.
[4] Select a Server you'd like to add roles or fetures.
[5] Click [Next] without checking any boxes.
[6] Check a box [Client for NFS] to proceed.
[7] Click [Install] button to start installation.
[8] After finishing installation, click [Close] button.
[9] It's ready to mount NFS shared. Run cmd.exe with administrator priviledge and input commands like follows.
⇒ mount [NFS server's hostname or IP address]:/[shared name] [local drive]:\
If connected normally, successfull message is shown like follows.
[10] Open explorer, then mounted NFS shared is displayed like follows.